SC Emanuel Sanches Communicator of the Province of Manaus.
On December 8, on the Solenidade de Nossa Senhora Imaculada Conceição, Padroeira do Amazonas and the day of celebration of the Salesian Family, four new Salesian Cooperators of the Dom Bosco Local Center of Manaus-Amazons make their Promise of Apostolic Life, são eles Aristeu Dácio Alve Filho, Icaro Caetano da Paixão Barros, Maria Auxiliadora Corrêa Alves and Tamara Aparecida Costa Lima, on the same day all the Salesians two four local centers of Manaus being São Domingos Sávio, São José, Mamãe Margarida and Dom Bosco also renew their promise in the Dom Bosco Parish.
SSCC São Gabriel.
On December 8, 2024, second Sunday of Advent and Sol enidade de Nossa Senhora Imaculada Conceição, a nova Salesiana Cooperadora do Centro Local Theotônio Ferreira em São Gabriel da Cachoeira -Amazonas fez a sua Promessa, a senhora Eneida Barreto Assunção e também houve to Renovação two other Salesian Cooperators standing at the Altar of the Lord in the Mother Mazzarello Community. God be praised with the blessings of my Auxiliadora and São João Bosco. Long live the Salesian Cooperators and Long live the Salesian Family!!!