To the Association of Salesian Cooperators
A warm greeting to all of you.
Traditionally in various parts of the world the month of September marks the beginning of the new pastoral year and therefore the resumption of activities.
We too resume our journey towards 2026, when we will celebrate the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the Association of Salesian Cooperators.
2023-2024 was the year of remembering, of rediscovering the beauty of the choices that led us to make the Promise, in this way we have “connected” with the memory of the Association of these last years.
We begin this second year 2024-2025 in the name of renewing to consolidate knowledge of the beauties of the Apostolic Life Project, projecting ourselves towards the final year of relaunching, which will be the year of being Prophets of the Charism.
We will focus on the PVA and we will do it in the same way of participation of all the Salesian Cooperators, as we did for the first year.
The Project of Apostolic Life was approved, definitively, in 2013 and in these 11 years all the Salesian Cooperators have had the opportunity to know it and internalize it as a project of their own life.
I am a witness to the effects of this commitment which has led to a greater awareness, on the part of the Salesian Cooperators and Salesian Cooperators, of their vocation as Lay People in the Church and in the Salesian Family.
The team that is taking care of the activities, which characterize the various moments of this three-year period, has identified these themes:
Referring to these indications, the Regions of our Association will offer us tools for reflection, starting from their own experiences and comparing them with the various articles that make up the PVA.
This will allow us to have useful material for reflection by everyone, as well as training aids to be used in the local Centers.
These aids will enrich, together with the numerous videos collected last year, all the documentation that the Association of Salesian Cooperators will deliver to itself for the coming years.
So let’s resume the journey with the enthusiasm that characterized us during the past year.
A fraternal hug
Antonio Boccia, World Coordinator
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