National Council of Don Bosco Homes.
This year, 2025, has a special importance for our Don Bosco Homes movement, since it will be 60 years since its beginning. On the occasion of this anniversary, from the National Council of Don Bosco Homes, we are organizing a meeting of all of us who form the movement.
We will meet in Granada from December 6 to 8, 2025. We are already working on the organization of the stay, the presentations, the different dynamics of meeting between everyone, the evenings, the visits, the prayers, the logo,…
What is Don Bosco Homes?
Don Bosco Homes is a family pastoral movement included in Article 21 of the PVA Regulations.
The Salesian Cooperators gave life to the “Don Bosco Homes Movement” in 1965, as a result of a campaign carried out in favor of the family. The first recipients of HDB were the couples who belonged to the Association of SS.CC. The aim was to promote the marital formation of the same. Later, this positive experience was shared by other Christian families who did not belong to the Association of Salesian Cooperators.
Today, the movement welcomes those families who, freely accepting its spirit and respecting its rules and guidelines, want to follow a serious path of human and Christian growth.
One of the mission fields of the Salesian Cooperators are the HDB, to whom they communicate their spirit, promoting, at the same time, its diffusion. They are also their animators and leaders in the Church. Don Bosco Homes are an ecclesial movement of family apostolate. They are situated within the framework of the Salesian Movement, and from the charism of Don Bosco, in communion with the other groups of the Salesian Family and with special connection with the Association of Salesian Cooperators.
They are called “Homes” because of their special reference to the family, and their patron saint is St. John Bosco, to express the following of Christ. It is inspired by the evangelical spirit of the Saint. They care for the human, Christian, and Salesian formation of their members, so that they can fully realize themselves as people, spouses, and educators of their children. They seek that each of our families become authentic domestic churches, where all members are offered the possibility of continually growing in love for God and neighbor. They encourage a serious commitment from their members to building the ecclesial and human community. They promote a family ministry that develops programs of service and help for the family in general, in collaboration with the local Church within the Salesian Family.